• toothpaste manufacturer, Suzhou Jinmao City

Pets Toothpaste manufacturer Analysis of common toothpaste recipes for pets!

Pets Toothpaste manufacturer Analysis of common toothpaste recipes for pets!

Modern pets are very common, pet oral care also makes many pet toothpaste manufacturers rush, as a professional toothpaste manufacturer, Suzhou Jinmao for the market of common toothpaste recipes to give professional analysis, fathers and mothers' favorite when choosing toothpaste for pets can refer.

Pet toothpaste is toothpaste designed exclusively for pets.Compared with human toothpaste, most pet toothpaste is made from transaminase ingredients without foam, the composition requires safety and edibility.Calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and other components in human toothpaste are harmful to pets' body, easy to form stones, cannot be used with pets.Since most pets do not have the ability to rinse and spit while brushing their teeth, toothpaste is ingested directly into the stomach, and problems with its composition cannot be underestimated.

Pet toothpaste is processed on behalf of recipe 1: pure water, dry distilled green tea essence, vitamin B6 moss alcohol.

Analysis: Food grade ingredients that can be eaten;essence of dry distillation of green tea: for fresh breath;Moss alcohol: proven to be a tooth-friendly sweetener but does not cause tooth decay;Vitamin B6: Makes your dog's hair look brighter

Pet toothpaste is processed instead of recipe 2: glycerin, propylene glycol, xanthogen, sodium tremolite, glycerin fat, preservative, flavor and so on

Analysis: excess chemicals;Propylene glycol is a common humectant in Japanese industry;Yellowhead glue is an ideal thickener, emulsifier and molding agent in the food industry;Pet toothpaste manufacturers say the addition of preservatives and flavorings makes us think these pet toothpastes cannot be used frequently.

Pet toothpaste is processed instead of the production recipe three: purified water, sorbinose, composite plant extract, andaluronic acid, citric acid, green tea essence, benzodimethyl ammonium and so on

Pet Toothpaste manufacturer Jinmao from Suzhou says that overall it is also a mixture of chemicals... sorbinose is one of the first saccharoids approved in Japan as a food additive to improve the hydration of foods;Androic acid, also known as benzoic acid, has antibacterial effect, mainly used as a preservative for food and pharmaceuticals, this bare chemical composition causes great harm to the human body, it is clearly stated that it can not inhale, eat, add to food also must strictly control the dose;Benzodimethyl ammonium is also 100% chemical component and has antibacterial anti-corrosion effect.


Publication time: Jan-08-2024

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